FAQ by the Society of Interventional Radiologists
Answers the most frequently asked questions about IR.
PVD and Me
PVD and Me provides education and information to patients who are at risk for amputations due to peripheral vascular disease—a collection of diseases of the circulatory system or any disorder that affects blood vessels.
American Heart Association PAD Webinar Series
This AHA series educates the healthcare community on addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with treating stable, yet high-risk PAD patients.
American Heart Association PAD Tookit
Go-To-Guide is an easy-to-use, interactive tool designed to empower doctors and nurses to engage patients diagnosed with Peripheral Artery Disease.
American Vein & Lymphatic Society
The AVLS is the leading resource for venous and lymphatic care physicians, health professionals, and patients. The American Vein & Lymphatic Society (formerly the American College of Phlebology) is the premier association for physicians and allied health professionals dedicated to the diagnosis and treatment of venous and lymphatic disease.